Red Wagon Growth Marketing Agency

Healthcare Marketing Strategy Guide

A strategy development guide for tech-oriented healthcare businesses

Healthcare marketing is a process that aims to bring together resources and plans that could produce opportunities in the already competitive market. Resources mobilized could be in the form of original content such as informational videos, podcasts, blog posts, and interviews. Like any other business these days, a good healthcare marketing strategy would increase patient flow in any establishment.

Reasons to develop a marketing strategy

Currently, patients need more than just the right treatment. They desire to get excellent customer service after a visit to a health facility. Most people are aware of worth ethics, requirements as well as solutions to their needs.

This awareness has turned them from mere patients to customers who demand more from the service provider. Findings from a study conducted by McKinsey revealed that patient expectations when dealing with health and non-health companies are similar. These expectations include:

The best way to find out whether healthcare service officers this service is through online resources. A study by Kantar Health Report showed that 60% of the millennial rely on word-of-mouth referrals and online resources to get healthcare information. For this reason, health service providers need to work with experienced marketing teams to win customers’ attention online.

Marketing strategies are essential to attracting clients. They involve setting aims, objectives, and benefits to be achieved. Availability of resources is also evaluated to assess whether there is enough to implement the set aims. Healthcare digital marketers also determine the best possible ways to meet their goals without spending a fortune. Some of the aspects they look at include;

• Client factors

Digital marketers evaluate their intended customers by psychographic, behavioural, geographic, and demographic parameters. They then put up strategies based on these characteristics.

• Competition

They also study the competition’s plans after which they launch strategies using tools like media stations, internet, and billboards. These marketing companies ensure that they stay ahead of the competition at all times with cutting edge solutions.

• SWOT analysis

Often, this approach is taken to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as the plans to be implemented. Opportunities and threats that affect the business internally and externally are also determined to check the best possible results.

• Goal types

All strategies have long and short-term goals which work in tandem. Upon deciding on the kinds of targets to pursue, marketing teams them organize, evaluate, and prioritize on the strategies that suit the goals selected.

• Budget planning

Budgeting follows soon to plan for activities such as public relations, advertising, brand development, and networking. Profitability is then checked as planned activities are monitored closely and adjusted from time to time.


The advantage of developing a marketing strategy is that a lot of time can be spent on improving the service offered to patients than promoting a business. A great plan is one in which both short-term and long-term goals are realized with ease.