Red Wagon Growth Marketing Agency

How Automated Drip Email Marketing Works and Why You Need It

You have to keep your customer’s attention. Maybe they bought one product from you, visited your site or viewed your content and never came back to buy again. If you were using a drip email campaign, you could keep their attention and keep them coming back again and again.
A drip email campaign is a series of emails that are sent out one at a time over specified periods of time. When you gain a new subscriber to your newsletter, for example, you may send out a welcome series of emails that engage them right away. The first one will land in their inbox immediately, thanking them for signing up. The second one arrives a day later, introducing them to your company and giving them more information about your products or services. The third one appears a week later, giving them more in-depth information about a specific product or service that they showed interest in.
A drip email campaign is a way to keep them engaged, reading more about your brand and engaging with your business over and over again. You can tailor your emails to their specific preferences. If you are running a travel company and your customer expressed interest in Tahiti, for example, you can send them emails about your new upcoming promotional fares to the island chain, while sending another customer information on Alaskan cruises.

No longer will you slap a “sign up for my newsletter” button on your site and start sending your customers content they didn’t ask for. With a drip email campaign, you can engage your customer with relevant information that will keep them coming back again and again.