Red Wagon Growth Marketing Agency

SEO Strategy for Startups: How to Win in 2021

Are you planning to grow your startup in 2021? SEO remains to be a feasible solution for your growth. The channel is becoming more challenging as time passes by. Understanding the changes that have taken over time will help you avert making mistakes. Today the SEO techniques that worked years ago are no longer functional as modern search engines and algorithms have become more advanced. For the search engine to be instrumental in your business, you need quality content more than quantity. Below are SEO tips to make your startup successful.

1. Set SMART SEO Goals

The nature of your business should determine the plans to set. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. When this is put in place, you will be assured of positive results. Learn from other businesses and get goal templates online that can help set yours.

2. Have a System to Track Performance

Highlight the metrics to track performance and ensure construct strategies around them. Determine the necessary actions to take concerning your business. Such actions include:

3. Examine the User’s Experience Aspects on your Site

Your website should be user-friendly to make it easy for visitors to navigate. It should be compatible with mobile devices as most people use them to do their search.

Use software such as heat map to track user engagement.

4. Fix Technical Issues in your Website through Crawling

Crawling your website gives you a report that guides you on fixing the technical problems. Some of the things to look at on the report include redirects, duplicate content, broken links, 404 pages, and URL structure.

5. Protects your Brand

It would help if you protected your reputation for your relevance on the internet. Search your brand’s name and assess the search results.