Red Wagon Growth Marketing Agency

The Types of Videos to Use at Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel

The Types of Videos to Use at Each Marketing Funnel’s Stage
Firms endorse various strategies to ensure success. If a firm is serious about investing in marketing, creating a marketing funnel with customized videos should be part of its growth strategies.

Steps of a marketing funnel

Videos for Hooking Audience at the TOFU

A firm should speak to its viewers to allow them to benefit by watching videos. The following video types are used to hook the targeted audience;

Videos that move Audiences Along at the MOFU

Immediately the videos at TOFU have succeeded, firms should utilize the opportunity to impress the viewers. The following videos types are used to persuade viewers to continue to the BOFU;
By the final phase of the marketing funnel, numerous clients have been narrowed to potential customers. Firms should ensure they efficiently leverage the TOFU and MOFU by providing the following types of videos;